官方描述: Important: Some platforms currently have issues withtransitions. We are working on a solution to solve the problem for everyone. Ifyou are experiencing flickers and flashes during or at the end of a transitionwe suggest the following workaround. Please note that this workaround should bethoroughly tested on the target platform before deployment. This workaround isknown to cause performance issues and browser crashes on some platforms,especially Android. Add the following code to your custom css.
- .ui-page { -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; }
复制代码即使加上官方提供的css代码片段,效果仍旧不尽人意,这个问题到现在仍旧是jqm的一个比较严重的问题,希望下个版本可以解决此问题。 除了在为什么android2.3系统转屏无效果? 中提到的内容外,
近日在群里聊天提出一个可以缓解的方案,即:可以更改jqm的css,让闪的背景色和页面的一致,具体修改以下css: - .ui-body-c, .ui-overlay-c {
- border: 1px solid #AAA;
- color: #333;
- background: #F9F9F9; //修改这里的颜色代码
- }
复制代码 我想这是一个很好的思路,是个值得一试的方法,但是笔者还没有亲自实验,需要的朋友可以亲自试一试,有空的话记得回来在评论里发表一下实验结果哦。