jqMobi 中弹出框的使用
1,引入js<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="./plugins/af.popup.js"></script>
function showPopup1() {
$("#afui").popup("I'm replacing an alert box");
function showPopup2() {
title: "Alert! Alert!",
message: "This is a test of the emergency alert system!! Don't PANIC!",
cancelText: "Cancel me",
cancelCallback: function () {
doneText: "I'm done!",
doneCallback: function () {
console.log("Done for!");
cancelOnly: false
function showPopup3() {
title: "Login",
message: "Username: <input type='text' class='af-ui-forms'><br>Password: <input type='text' class='af-ui-forms' style='webkit-text-security:disc'>",
cancelText: "Cancel",
cancelCallback: function () {},
doneText: "Login",
doneCallback: function () {
alert("Logging in")
cancelOnly: false
学习了,谢谢分享、、、 找到好贴不容易,我顶你了,谢了 楼主这个弹出框到平板上就变得很小影响阅读了 有木有解决办法啊 tianqingle 发表于 2014-5-13 16:36
楼主这个弹出框到平板上就变得很小影响阅读了 有木有解决办法啊
改css 看看能解决不 不错不错,大神啊