nodejs egg.js图片截取模块jimp
jimp是一个非常优秀的nodejs图片截取模块。它无需再电脑上面安装其他工具,直接安装jimp模块就可以使用。jimp的优势:1.简单,2.支持回调方式和ES6(promise)语法也可以链式调用 3. 丰富的api4.无需安装任何程序(gm和canvas都需要)
1.安装jimp 通过cnpm install --save jimp安装
var Jimp = require("jimp");
3、使用:, function (err, lenna) {
if (err) throw err;
lenna.resize(200, 200)
// .greyscale()
1、nodejs egg.js图片截取模块jimp 回调模式使用:
var Jimp = require("jimp");"lenna.png", function (err, lenna) {
if (err) throw err;
lenna.resize(256, 256)
2、nodejs egg.js图片截取模块jimp Promise模式使用:
var Jimp = require("jimp");"lenna.png").then(function (lenna) {
lenna.resize(256, 256)
}).catch(function (err) {
/* Resize */
image.contain( w, h[, mode] ); // scale the image to the given width and height, some parts of the image may be letter boxed
image.cover( w, h[, mode] ); // scale the image to the given width and height, some parts of the image may be clipped
image.resize( w, h[, mode] ); // resize the image. Jimp.AUTO can be passed as one of the values.
image.scale( f[, mode] ); // scale the image by the factor f
image.scaleToFit( w, h[, mode] ); // scale the image to the largest size that fits inside the given width and height
// An optional resize mode can be passed with all resize methods.
/* Crop */
image.autocrop(); // automatically crop same-color borders from image (if any)
image.crop( x, y, w, h ); // crop to the given region
/* Composing */
image.blit( src, x, y[, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch] );
// blit the image with another Jimp image at x, y, optionally cropped.
image.composite( src, x, y ); // composites another Jimp image over this iamge at x, y
image.mask( src, x, y ); // masks the image with another Jimp image at x, y using average pixel value image.rotate) and when writing formats that don't support alpha channels
/* Flip and rotate */
image.flip( horz, vert ); // flip the image horizontally or vertically
image.mirror( horz, vert ); // an alias for flip
image.rotate( deg[, mode] ); // rotate the image clockwise by a number of degrees. Optionally, a resize mode can be passed. If `false` is passed as the second parameter, the image width and height will not be resized.
// JPEG images with EXIF orientation data will be automatically re-orientated as appropriate.
/* Colour */
image.brightness( val ); // adjust the brighness by a value -1 to +1
image.contrast( val ); // adjust the contrast by a value -1 to +1
image.dither565(); // ordered dithering of the image and reduce color space to 16-bits (RGB565)
image.greyscale(); // remove colour from the image
image.invert(); // invert the image colours
image.normalize(); // normalize the channels in an image
/* Alpha channel */
image.fade( f ); // an alternative to opacity, fades the image by a factor 0 - 1. 0 will haven no effect. 1 will turn the image
image.opacity( f ); // multiply the alpha channel by each pixel by the factor f, 0 - 1
image.opaque(); // set the alpha channel on every pixel to fully opaque
image.background( hex ); // set the default new pixel colour (e.g. 0xFFFFFFFF or 0x00000000) for by some operations (e.g. image.contain and
/* Blurs */
image.gaussian( r ); // Gaussian blur the image by r pixels (VERY slow)
image.blur( r ); // fast blur the image by r pixels
/* Effects */
image.posterize( n ); // apply a posterization effect with n level
image.sepia(); // apply a sepia wash to the image
Jimp.loadFont( path ).then(function (font) {
image.print(font, x, y, str);
2. 读取图片字节流
image.getBuffer( buffer , cb )
3. 图片上某一点像素的操作
image.getPixelColor(x, y)//获取图片上某一点的像素值
image.setPixelColor(hex, x, y);//设置图片上的某一点像素
4. 工具函数
Jimp.rgbaToInt(r, g, b, a); //将十进制转化为十六进制
Jimp.intToRGBA(hex); //将十六进制转化为十进制
5. 判断图片是否为同一张图
Jimp.distance(image1, image2);//返回值为相似程度,0表示两张图完全一样
var diff = Jimp.diff(image1, image2, threshold);
diff.image; //一张用来展示两张图片不一样的地方的图片
diff.percent; //像素不相同的比例